The largest truck for your farm deliveries

Heering 90

A long distance performer

The Heering 90 is a true performer on long distances. This rigid poultry truck is the largest truck in our product portfolio. It’s ideal for transporting large batches of poultry over great distances, in any climate condition. 

Cost-efficient solution

Just like our other transport systems, this powerful truck is able to withstand any climate or meteorological condition. It’s the most cost-efficient option for transporting large quantities of poultry.


”I have been working with the Heering 90 for over 25 years now.  The durability of these trucks is impressive. That lasting quality makes them the market’s most cost effective option in the long run.” 

Knud Kjernlie, Kjernlie A/S

Heering 90

Specs that prove right

Heering Climate Control & Airflow
As day-old chicks are not yet fully able to control their body temperature, an ideal mobile hatchery environment is needed. We create this environment in all our transport systems, with a precise control of air speed, air temperature and heat production. Every Heering transport unit has a specially designed airflow system that distributes air evenly over all chick boxes or egg trolleys. Heat, water vapor and CO₂ are removed through air outlets and a recirculation duct. This way we keep the body temperature of all chicks between 39,5 and 40 ̊C, maximizing the quality upon arrival.
Optionally combined with Heering Link
This transport system can be incorporated with Heering Link. Monitoring your chicks in transit with Heering Link, allows for a quicker response in case of an emergency. This telemetry solution offers insightful data, enabling you to further improve your poultry transport trips in the future.


Interested in how the Heering 90 can add value to your hatchery’s transport operations? Just ask for more information.
