During the pandemic the limited travel possibilities made it hard for us to offer our usual level of on-site service. It made us rethink the way we offer our customer service. Since we want to be able to offer a high-level of customer service in any event, we’re launching Heering Remote Assist. Our new customer service solution that enables us to offer an expert-level of service remotely.

What is Heering Remote Assist?
Heering Remote Assist is our new support program in which we will give remote service as if we are standing right by your side. We do this by guiding your technical staff or service partner with a Microsoft HoloLens 2, a Mixed Reality device with which we can demonstrate how a problem should be solved. Heering Remote Assist is a fitting addition to our existing solution: Heering Link. With this Track & Trace system we can rapidly recognize a problem based on real time data. With the combination of these tools we can determine a problem and help solve it without having to travel to location. This can be done anywhere in the world as long as there is a stable internet connection.

The benefits of Heering Remote Assist
Our technical support engineers will be able to see exactly what your technical support agent sees. We can explain the solution both verbally and visually. Technical work can therefore be done more efficiently. But this applies to other challenging matters as well. When a question about our product arises, our customers can contact our experts. Drivers/operators will experience an improvement in their learning process and a greater flexibility in receiving technical support.

Remote Training
We currently offer specialized training for drivers/operators and mechanics in which we focus on operating our system and the behavior of chicks. With the use of the Microsoft HoloLens 2 we will be able to offer parts of these training courses remotely, reducing travel costs and maximizing productive time for trainees. Afterwards, trainees will have the chance to freshen up on what they have learned by reviewing the material with the HoloLens.

In our news section we will keep you updated about further developments regarding Heering Remote Assist. If you have any further questions about Heering Remote Assist, please contact us via
