To comply with new legislation and give a boost to transport quality, a Norwegian day old chick transport company ordered new trucks with energy efficient options and had the existing fleet equipped with track & trace systems, monitoring chick truck climate.

Transporting chicks under Norwegian climate conditions is very demanding. Temperatures can vary between – 35°C and +10°C during winter and between + 35°C and 0°C during summer. It means the chick truck has to work within a great range of changing climate conditions in relatively short time. Kjernlie AS chose the new Heering development for a safe transport and preservation of chick quality. The new electrical heating of the body is more reliable, works faster and needs less maintenance to work properly.

The trucks recently delivered by Heering have a double power supply; a diesel generator is combined with a PTO (truck power take off) driven generator, that supplies power when the truck engine is running. In other situations, the diesel generator switches on automatically. Mr. Kjernlie: “Transport distances in Norway are long, and we have been looking for energy efficient trucks. Choosing the system with energy from the PTO of the truck will save fuel.

For the heating system, Heering used a similar approach, where waste heat from the cooling system of the truck is made available for the loading space.

The electronic system monitors temperatures, humidity and carbon dioxide levels in the loading space, and balances the heat produced by the day old chicks with the ventilation amount. This results in an optimal ventilation for the chicks, with a CO2 control of minimum ventilation. All is arranged at minimum energy costs.

Mr. Kjernlie: “Heering has mounted the existing fleet with the same sensor set containing temperature, relative humidity and CO2 levels. Which can be read remotely, including the trucks position. Also easy to go back to for previous trips.”

An on board disinfection system provides safe and effective, proven disinfection, in a programmed order. In combination with complete closure of air valves and minimum use of disinfectant a maximal effect is assured.

To optimise the positive effects on chick quality and efficiency, the drivers and hatchery staff received an in company training by Heering. The theoretic and practical parts of it include: poultry background, hygiene, climate control and daily operation of the truck.

